Universal Navigation Inertial Measurement Unit
June 2021 – ongoing
In the currently ongoing SpaceForest implements a project for State Security and Defense called “Universal Navigation Inertial Measurement Unit (IMU) for control systems and rocket guidance”.
The project “Universal Navigation Inertial Measurement Unit (IMU) for control systems and rocket guidance” is financed by the National Center for Research and Development under the program 1 / SZAFIR / 2020
agreement no. DOB-SZAFIR / 03 / B / 018/01/2021
The net value of the project: PLN 9 239 590.00
Project start: June 2021
Planned completion of the project: May 2024
Project implemented in the consortium:
1. Warsaw University of Technology – consortium leader
2. SpaceForest sp. z o.o.
3. Korbowo sp. z o.o.