Highly integrated SSPA for X-Band

In cooperation with Tesat-Spacecom, we have achieved an important milestone of the European Space Agency – ESA project “Highly integrated solid-state power amplifier (SSPA) for X-Band”.
The device should be able to meet stringent requirements, such as high and very stable output power level in wide temperature range, very high power-added efficiency (PAE), etc. while surviving 7 years on a low earth orbit (LEO). The target application are downstream transmitters e.g. earth observation satellite constellations.
This year the project will reach TRL5 (Technical Readiness Level 5), and over the next two years, it will be developed to TRL7 (system prototype demonstration in a space environment).
The photo shows ESA, TESAT Spacecom, and SpaceForest representatives in the clean-room in Backnang, Germany (TESAT Spacecom).