A comprehensive export support system in the Pomeranian Voivodeship
As part of the grant project “Pomeranian Export Broker – Comprehensive export support system in the Pomeranian Voivodeship”, SpaceForest implemented a project entitled:
“Promotion of products and services of SpaceForest Sp. z o.o. by participating in the international trade fair EuMW (European Microwave Week) in Paris, a chance for the development of the company”
As part of the project, the company exhibited at the EuMW (European Microwave Week) exhibition in Paris (France). During the SpaceForest trade fair, it presented Filter Tuning Software and the latest proprietary solution for automatic filter tuning. New services related to the design, prototyping and construction of specialized electronic, microwave and satellite circuits were also promoted.
The project is co-financed by the ERDF under RPOWP for the years 2014-2020.
Project value PLN 80 172.50, co-financing from European Funds PLN 39 223.75.