Technological Building Blocks For Future Modular Navigation Payloads

June 2023 – ongoing

In the currently ongoing project for European Space Agency, SpaceForest designs and manufactures High-efficiency Solid-State Power Amplifier (SSPA) and Conditioning circuitry.

The objective of this project is to design and develop a breadboard of a building block for future modular navigation payloads based on high level of integrations of antenna and active RF functions, consisting of antenna element, diplexer/filter, and solid-state power amplifier. This module will be adaptable so its design can be used for different navigation payload concepts and architectures for several mission orbits (e.g. LEO, MEO, IGSO, GEO) with different field-of-view as well as different power levels. Project is implemented under the Technology Development Element (TDE) programme.

agreement no. ESA AO/1-11432/22/NL/FE

Project implemented in the consortium:

1. Beyond Gravity  – consortium leader

2. SpaceForest sp. z o.o.


Planned completion of the project: April 2025